
One to Ponder

Thought #212-
Every tragedy begins as a normal day. - Todd Wilson

*That means today you might get the call that your son was admitted to the hospital, your wife collapsed and died, or you are about to find out the worst news of your life.

So...how does that affect today?
(Excerpt taken from Todd Wilson's "You Da' Dad" page-a-day calendar.)

Don't let the "little things" in life get to you.  Once you lose something or someone precious to you you will never have that time back with them.  Tell your wife you love her...and don't just say it, show her.  Tell your kids you're proud of them for____________ fill in the blank.  Take notice of the things that make them "tick".  Show interest in them.  Next to Christ, your wife is your most important relationship in this world...and THEN your kids.  I started a rather lengthy post for husbands/fathers a while back...I plan to post soon.  Stay tuned for more...

1 comment:

  1. Response to your, Every tragedy begins as a normal day...Praise God for opportunities. He uses them to stretch us & grow us up. Your problem is not your problem...your problem is how are you going to respond to your problem. Let it make you better, not bitter.
