
Getting Serious Update

So, I've been told by several of my friends who have had much stricter diets than I have over the years, that it is important to have a "free day" or a "splurge day" in your diet.  While this is very vague and open to interpretation, I'll just say that a free day is what it sounds like: eat what you want for one day each week.

Yesterday was mine.  I went to a small local place that has awesome burgers and got a Munchie Burger.  What is a Munchie Burger you ask?  It is a burger with mozzarella sticks and onion rings on top smothered in BBQ sauce.  Guess what?  It tasted delicious!!!  However, I felt like garbage all afternoon and didn't fully recover until later that evening.  The only other thing I had on my splurge day was A smore...as in ONE.  It was good, and there were no adverse affects from it...that I felt. 

All this to say that, while it was a free day, I found myself still "snacking" on seeds, fruits and veggies throughout the day instead of the Little Debbies that I used to get out of the vending machine.  I am finding that even on your free/splurge day you will not want to ruin what you have worked so hard to achieve so you will only "splurge" in moderation...if at all.

On Monday, I will post (hopefully) a new deadlift PR and a new Crossfit "Cindy" PR.*  I will also post my current weight.  I am only officially weighing in on Mondays.  (I will say this, I snuck a peak at the scale on Friday, post workout, and I can't wait to see what Monday brings!)

*PR = personal record       "Cindy" = 20 minutes AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, and 15 squats

1 comment:

  1. I am all about giving myself a cheat meal or two every week. Going "full retard" like we did yesterday almost always leaves me feeling like crap afterward. Usually my cheat meal consists of something still moderately healthy like a burrito bowl from chipotle. Good luck with the deadlift PR on monday. I am going for my power clean 1 rep max tomorrow at CrossFit 440. Hopefully we both have PR's for conversation at work monday morning! Get it bro!
