
One Man and One Woman

These two clowns are supposed to be running our country?  I touched on this a while ago, in fact-almost a year ago. 

Excerpt from CBS article:
"I had already made a decision that we were going to take this position before the election and before the convention," Mr. Obama said in an interview with ABC News and referring to the Democratic nominating convention set to take place this summer.

Asked if he was upset with Biden for jumping the gun, Mr. Obama said Biden "got out a little bit over his skis, but out of generosity of spirit."

"Would I have preferred to have done this in my own way in my own terms without I think there being a a lot of notice to everybody, sure, but alls well that ends well," Mr. Obama said.

Indeed, Mr. President, and I do hope that decisions like these will help to end your “reign” as leader of our once God-fearing country.  I think our President, Vice President and the rest of the states need to take a lesson from North Carolina.

Let’s get back to the principles this country was founded on.  If not, we will continue to see a downward moral slide into a darkness and evil that will destroy this once strong nation.

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