

I've been getting a lot of questions about what I'm doing to get the results I've been getting.  So, to spell it out plain and simple:

1.  Eat right.  By "right" I mean healthy.  Whatever this means to you whether it be zone, paleo, vegetarian, vegan, etc... be strict.  Stick to your plan.  Eventually it will become a lifestyle and it won't take so much to maintain.  Oh, and by the way, I am by no means saying that you can never "cheat".  In fact, it is important to treat yourself about once a week or so to an indulgence.  If nothing else, it gives you something to look forward to.

2.  Train hard.  Give 110%! (Whatever that means.)  Seriously though, give it your all - run hard, push yourself with the weights, get that extra rep.  You won't get any further and start seeing PR's until you push yourself beyond your limits.

3.  Never give up.  This goes right along with train hard...  Push through the soreness - it will go away.  You can complete that workout.  PR's and good times start in your head.  You have to believe you can do it before you actually do.

This morning's WOD (workout of the day) for me was 3 rounds of:  8 rope pullups x 5 sets and 185 lb. back squat by 25 reps.  This was an extremely draining workout and my body starting telling me that two rounds would be enough about halfway through the first round.  This is where you gotta dig down deep and find that extra energy and finish your workout.  By the way, that extra energy is almost always found in eating right!!!



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